Sunday, March 18, 2012

Problems with a href tag and window.location in phonegap application

I was using <a href> tag and window.location for links in the pages.But it was displaying the old page itself. 
PhoneGap gets notified whenever a new page is to be loaded.  However, there is a problem in Phonegap (phonegap-1.0.0rc2 and older versions) in using a <a href> tag or window.location.
As a result, PhoneGap doesn't have any way to intercept the request.So it continues to display old page or it will not be able to handle the parameters passed from previous page.
Code with problems:
<a href="HomePage.html">Home</a>
1) Use; instead of 
window.location or <a href tag.
2) Try to make use of same page with sections (<div> tag) than having code written
over multiple page.

Resolve "Target runtime Apache Tomcat v6.0 is not defined." error

Go to window ->preferences ->Server->Runtime environments . add server Apache Tomcat v6.0 Mention the directory where apache-toma...